Making Doula Magic!

Hey there! I’m Karlie, a pediatric nurse, doula, birth assistant, and overall a birth and newborn lover. Serving DFW,TX.

Get to know me!


My mission

I want mamas and partners to go into birth feeling confident, educated, and supported. Feeling empowered, heard, and at peace about their birth story.


 Get to know me

Hi, I’m Karlie!

I am a pediatric nurse of six years; I have recently stepped away from my hospital job to be a doula and birth assistant full-time. After my first birth not going as I had planned in the hospital, I got to witness my sister’s birth at a birth center. I then further educated myself on my birth options which led to the decision of my second pregnancy to be at a birth center. After experiencing a beautiful unmedicated birth, I knew I wanted to be able to educate women about their birth options. So I thought to myself, “What better way than becoming a doula?” Not only can I now educate, but I get to support women emotionally and physically in one of the most intimate and important moments of their lives.


Here’s how it works!

1. Contact Me instagram: @mama.nurse.doula

2. The Consult

Set up a call or in person meeting to interview me and see if its the right fit.

3. My Services

Hire me as your Birth and/or postpartum doula

Sweet words from clients


The benefits of hiring a

Birth Doula

Attention to physical & emotional needs

Overall reading and meeting a mother’s needs before they are even said. Offering physical touch, pain relief techniques, encouraging mama to nourish herself. Reminders of proper breathing techniques while laboring and in the pushing phase. While also providing encouragement and reassurance.

Partner Support

Sometimes seeing your loved one go through something physically and mentally challenging is hard. I can provide encouragement on how to help be hands on during the process. To ease partner’s that things are normal and as they should be. Assisting with knowing when it is time to go to the place of birth. Also reminding the partner to care for themselves; nourishing and resting when needed.

Higher satisfaction and better birth outcomes

As your doula I will advocate and think clearly for you. Making sure your birth goes as you planned. I will help to make sure each intervention is understood and chosen with informed consent. Recent studies show that a mother who receives continuous support are more likely to have spontaneous vaginal births, less likely to need pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about birth. I will link this study below!


Here’s a look at what I offer

Birth and postpartum doula services for the Dallas Fort Worth area.

  • Birth Doula Services

    • free consultation

    • text and call support from the time contract is signed

    • in person prenatal appointment

    • on call from 37 weeks until birth

    • in person labor support from requested time until 3hrs after birth

    • resource list, book and baby wearing lending library

    • 1 postpartum visit

    • postpartum gift

    $1500 (payment plans available)

  • Postpartum doula

    • emotional support

    • light housework, bottle/pump part cleaning, meal prep

    • caring for baby

    • breastfeeding and newborn education and resources

    • use of baby wearing lending library and education on proper use

    • hours can be used up to 3 months postpartum

      Contact for hourly rate


Hey mama, I can’t wait to meet you!

Drop a line!

Let’s have a chat over a cup of coffee! Or feel free to reach out to me directly at